Author Spotlight on Author Kenya Cagle
Who is your favorite author and is your writing style similar to theirs?
My favorite writer is the late, great Fred Hudson. Fred was a screenwriter and personal friend who not only wrote screenplays but taught a generation of writers as well. Fred’s greatest work The Education of Sonny Carson was produced as a movie that starred many of today’s top thespians. In addition, Fred taught screenplay writing and I was blessed enough to attend his classes. He also wrote the play The Legend of Deadwood Dick. Because I studied with Fred and honed my screenwriting skills at his workshops that were held at The Frederick Douglass Creative Arts Center, I believe our styles are similar. Fred focused on characterization and going underneath the conscious of the characters to the subconscious. I believe I picked up a lot of that and it is reflected in the details that I provide to the reader.
What's your favorite part of a book?
My favorite part of any book is the moment when you forget you are reading. The moment it grabs you and bring you into its’ world. It could be the beginning, middle or end. But there comes that time when you are so engrossed with what is going on that the outside world no longer exists.
When naming your characters, do you give any thought to the actual meaning of the characters name?
I give a lot of thought to naming my characters. Their names have to mean something to me. I have to know them. I have to feel them. For instance, in this book Prophet The Story of Nat Turner, even though it is historical fiction, I had to study and find the right names for each character. The African names all have meaning specifically related to that character’s purpose in the book. The book also contains the names of my mother, sisters and all my aunts. This makes the characters much more real to me and I can relate to them much better.
What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment is the fact that as a producer over the last ten years I have helped to employ nearly 1,000 thespians and crew members. As a writer, this is my first book and just getting it published and having it turn out a bestseller is a big accomplishment for me.
Who and/or what has inspired you?
I am mostly inspired my children and the fact that I want to be a good role model for them. I believe that writing is a great vehicle and one that could influence them in a positive way.
Did you always want to write?
I always wanted to write and cannot recall a time when I didn’t. As a young man I kept diaries and wrote personal notes to myself. I always had a talent for storytelling and attracted much attention whenever I did so. My passion, however, was in acting. I spent a lot of time denying my writing talents to work on my acting talents.
How have your personal experiences affected your writing?
Each and everything I write it has something to do with my life or something that has happened in my life. The first feature film I wrote Goodnite Charlie was based on a situation that I got involved in with my nephew. My next screenplay The Undercover Man was about cases that I took on when I worked as an undercover agent for a semi government agency. The screenplay after that Thug Kids was about an incident that took place when I was a teenager.
What genre of books do you like to read? Do you limit yourself to reading books that are only in the genre that you write yourself?
I read all types of literary works including poems, short stories, essays, compositions, everything. I always try to think outside the box, outside the rules. The rules are too limiting. I want to break the rules and break traditional thinking. I have always been one to stretch the rules as far as they could go.
How do you get started with writing a story (In other words, how do you start developing the story? How do you get inspired for it?)
For me, getting started has never really been a problem. Different things inspire me at different times. It may be a simple word, some music or a situation in life. These things trigger something inside of me; a small spark. One that I ignore at first, but then later the spark returns. It gets bigger and bigger. Then whatever that situation was that had planted itself in my subconscious mind takes root and before long, I am thinking about it and thinking on it. I thought about a book on Nat Turner for about five years before I actually started doing research. I then did the research for months. Finally when I sat down to write the story, it took four days. I couldn’t leave the chair. The story took on a life of its on and was forcing itself out of me. Sometimes a story or a scene for a story sparked by something I care about lingers and builds over the years. Then the entire story is put together over time in my mind. My subconscious let’s me know it is time to write. I sit down. Sometimes I don’t even know how the story is going to start. I see the ending in my head and then eventually the beginning comes.
What is one thing you cannot live without?
The one thing I cannot live without is love. Whether it is love of a family member, a friend or neighbor, it is crucial to me to give and receive love. Without feeling love, I can’t express myself orally or through writing. Underneath each project, underneath each action that I do, there is always that strong element. In the films Goodnite Charlie, Brooklyn Gangster or my book Prophet The Story of Nat Turner, the underlining story is about love. My characters have a strong love of themselves but especially their families.
Where is your favorite place to relax/write?
Because I studied meditation, my favorite place to relax is inside of myself. I routinely start my morning off at 4:30 am with prayer, meditation, physical exercise and mental exercise. I then take a hot shower and enjoy a cold smoothie. After that I spend my time marketing and promoting on social media, emails, developing new concepts, studying my crafts through various means including audio, video, television, answering and returning calls. I make it to bed by 11 or 12. My philosophy however is to work hard and play hard. I work non-stop, but I take trips every few months and rest for days or weeks at a time doing things unrelated to anything. I usually end these vacations when the feeling hits me and my mind says it is time to work.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
My favorite childhood memory is racing my dad down the streets of Brooklyn. Once while we were walking my dad challenged me to a race. He told me that he could beat me running and that he would run backwards. I must have been about nine years old. I told my dad that I would beat him. My dad called it and I ran with all my might. My dad handily beat me and we laughed all the way home.
Who is/are your role model(s)?
Most of my role models have gone home to God. My favorite role models include my dad George Cagle who taught me everything I know. Fred Hudson who taught me how to be a writer and producer. My sensi Al Govine who helped me gain confidence through the martial arts. Ira Williams former vice president Local 371 who was a mentor and friend. Julian Hill who was the smartest man I ever met. But in this life, I have two that are still alive, my godfather Bill Duke who fortified everything I was taught. And last but not least my pastor Rev. Hardy Smallwood, Jr. who has led me spiritually in a mighty way.
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My most favorite thing about myself is that I learned and developed a trait inside of me that allows me to complete goals no matter what the circumstance. I discovered early on that starting something is half the battle. I also realize that completing any goal is an art. In short, I make sure that I finish whatever I start.
What is the last book you have read or are currently reading?
The last book I read is not published yet. It was written by a new and upcoming author named Natacha Daniel. Her book is called Ill Will and is the story of a young woman who loses her entire family though gang violence. It is about her trials and tribulations growing up without them.
If you could have any job in the whole wide world that you could imagine or make up, then what job would that be?
If I could have any job in the whole wide world I would be a movie producer. As a producer I could take whatever I write and produce it whenever I want. Producers make the final decisions and can even order rewrites. Producers determine when a screenplay will be a movie. Producers sign the checks.
20 questions with Author Spotlight on Author M.J. Kane!
Who is your favorite author and is your writing style similar to theirs?
My favorite writer is the late, great Fred Hudson. Fred was a screenwriter and personal friend who not only wrote screenplays but taught a generation of writers as well. Fred’s greatest work The Education of Sonny Carson was produced as a movie that starred many of today’s top thespians. In addition, Fred taught screenplay writing and I was blessed enough to attend his classes. He also wrote the play The Legend of Deadwood Dick. Because I studied with Fred and honed my screenwriting skills at his workshops that were held at The Frederick Douglass Creative Arts Center, I believe our styles are similar. Fred focused on characterization and going underneath the conscious of the characters to the subconscious. I believe I picked up a lot of that and it is reflected in the details that I provide to the reader.
What's your favorite part of a book?
My favorite part of any book is the moment when you forget you are reading. The moment it grabs you and bring you into its’ world. It could be the beginning, middle or end. But there comes that time when you are so engrossed with what is going on that the outside world no longer exists.
When naming your characters, do you give any thought to the actual meaning of the characters name?
I give a lot of thought to naming my characters. Their names have to mean something to me. I have to know them. I have to feel them. For instance, in this book Prophet The Story of Nat Turner, even though it is historical fiction, I had to study and find the right names for each character. The African names all have meaning specifically related to that character’s purpose in the book. The book also contains the names of my mother, sisters and all my aunts. This makes the characters much more real to me and I can relate to them much better.
What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment is the fact that as a producer over the last ten years I have helped to employ nearly 1,000 thespians and crew members. As a writer, this is my first book and just getting it published and having it turn out a bestseller is a big accomplishment for me.
Who and/or what has inspired you?
I am mostly inspired my children and the fact that I want to be a good role model for them. I believe that writing is a great vehicle and one that could influence them in a positive way.
Did you always want to write?
I always wanted to write and cannot recall a time when I didn’t. As a young man I kept diaries and wrote personal notes to myself. I always had a talent for storytelling and attracted much attention whenever I did so. My passion, however, was in acting. I spent a lot of time denying my writing talents to work on my acting talents.
How have your personal experiences affected your writing?
Each and everything I write it has something to do with my life or something that has happened in my life. The first feature film I wrote Goodnite Charlie was based on a situation that I got involved in with my nephew. My next screenplay The Undercover Man was about cases that I took on when I worked as an undercover agent for a semi government agency. The screenplay after that Thug Kids was about an incident that took place when I was a teenager.
What genre of books do you like to read? Do you limit yourself to reading books that are only in the genre that you write yourself?
I read all types of literary works including poems, short stories, essays, compositions, everything. I always try to think outside the box, outside the rules. The rules are too limiting. I want to break the rules and break traditional thinking. I have always been one to stretch the rules as far as they could go.
How do you get started with writing a story (In other words, how do you start developing the story? How do you get inspired for it?)
For me, getting started has never really been a problem. Different things inspire me at different times. It may be a simple word, some music or a situation in life. These things trigger something inside of me; a small spark. One that I ignore at first, but then later the spark returns. It gets bigger and bigger. Then whatever that situation was that had planted itself in my subconscious mind takes root and before long, I am thinking about it and thinking on it. I thought about a book on Nat Turner for about five years before I actually started doing research. I then did the research for months. Finally when I sat down to write the story, it took four days. I couldn’t leave the chair. The story took on a life of its on and was forcing itself out of me. Sometimes a story or a scene for a story sparked by something I care about lingers and builds over the years. Then the entire story is put together over time in my mind. My subconscious let’s me know it is time to write. I sit down. Sometimes I don’t even know how the story is going to start. I see the ending in my head and then eventually the beginning comes.
What is one thing you cannot live without?
The one thing I cannot live without is love. Whether it is love of a family member, a friend or neighbor, it is crucial to me to give and receive love. Without feeling love, I can’t express myself orally or through writing. Underneath each project, underneath each action that I do, there is always that strong element. In the films Goodnite Charlie, Brooklyn Gangster or my book Prophet The Story of Nat Turner, the underlining story is about love. My characters have a strong love of themselves but especially their families.
Where is your favorite place to relax/write?
Because I studied meditation, my favorite place to relax is inside of myself. I routinely start my morning off at 4:30 am with prayer, meditation, physical exercise and mental exercise. I then take a hot shower and enjoy a cold smoothie. After that I spend my time marketing and promoting on social media, emails, developing new concepts, studying my crafts through various means including audio, video, television, answering and returning calls. I make it to bed by 11 or 12. My philosophy however is to work hard and play hard. I work non-stop, but I take trips every few months and rest for days or weeks at a time doing things unrelated to anything. I usually end these vacations when the feeling hits me and my mind says it is time to work.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
My favorite childhood memory is racing my dad down the streets of Brooklyn. Once while we were walking my dad challenged me to a race. He told me that he could beat me running and that he would run backwards. I must have been about nine years old. I told my dad that I would beat him. My dad called it and I ran with all my might. My dad handily beat me and we laughed all the way home.
Who is/are your role model(s)?
Most of my role models have gone home to God. My favorite role models include my dad George Cagle who taught me everything I know. Fred Hudson who taught me how to be a writer and producer. My sensi Al Govine who helped me gain confidence through the martial arts. Ira Williams former vice president Local 371 who was a mentor and friend. Julian Hill who was the smartest man I ever met. But in this life, I have two that are still alive, my godfather Bill Duke who fortified everything I was taught. And last but not least my pastor Rev. Hardy Smallwood, Jr. who has led me spiritually in a mighty way.
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My most favorite thing about myself is that I learned and developed a trait inside of me that allows me to complete goals no matter what the circumstance. I discovered early on that starting something is half the battle. I also realize that completing any goal is an art. In short, I make sure that I finish whatever I start.
What is the last book you have read or are currently reading?
The last book I read is not published yet. It was written by a new and upcoming author named Natacha Daniel. Her book is called Ill Will and is the story of a young woman who loses her entire family though gang violence. It is about her trials and tribulations growing up without them.
If you could have any job in the whole wide world that you could imagine or make up, then what job would that be?
If I could have any job in the whole wide world I would be a movie producer. As a producer I could take whatever I write and produce it whenever I want. Producers make the final decisions and can even order rewrites. Producers determine when a screenplay will be a movie. Producers sign the checks.
20 questions with Author Spotlight on Author M.J. Kane!
Did you
always know that you wanted to be a writer?
I love books, have read them
like crazy. As far back as I can remember I spent time in a library, never
leaving without at least five books in my hand. As an only child who lived out in
the middle of now where, playing with my toys and reading were the only things
to keep my active imagination going. Did I ever imagine writing a book myself?
Were you
always good at writing?
I can’t say I was a great writer at an early age
because writing wasn’t what I wanted to do. I was never good at keeping an
active diary, either. But I was a great story teller. My Barbie dolls, stuffed
animals, and baby dolls always had something going on, some storyline being
acted out, even if it wasn’t written on paper. I think that’s why I am attracted
to the game, The Sims. It gives me a
chance to ‘play’ with custom made characters in a world that comes straight
from my imagination. I guess those were the beginning stages of character
development. J
If you
could work with any other author who would it be and why? Honestly?
I’m not
sure that I could. After spending four years developing my own writing style
I’ll be the first to admit, I am overprotective of my babies and don’t like to
share. Yep, only child syndrome…lol
Have your
personal experiences affected your writing or writing style?
Oh yes, in fact, my personal experiences are
the reason why I write. Like many authors, it’s free therapy. J
Bits and pieces of my experiences and from those around me influence the
stories I write and what drives my characters. Sometimes it for the good,
sometimes if for the bad. But isn’t that how life works? Every decision made
doesn’t always lead to the perfect happily ever after. We have to work for it.
That’s the type of message I relay in my books.
What is
one thing that you absolutely cannot live without?
Pen and paper!!! Or more
specifically, my clipboard with a stack of fresh, unwrinkled paper and a black
ink pen. My characters ‘visit’ me at odd times. With my busy schedule and big
family, thinking I can have a great scene come to mind and remember it a few
hours later when I get to my laptop….well, let’s just say there were several
epic fails I learned from in the past. Since then, I make sure to have those items
with me if I know I’m going to be anywhere that allows me to sit sedentary for
more than ten minutes….the doctor’s office, pick up line outside of my kids
Do you
have a writing spot that only you can work, like a writing cave? If so what does
it look like?
For the most part I work in my office at my desk, but it
depends on what project I’m working on at the time. If I’m writing a first
draft of a story, I may lie in bed, sit outside on the deck (weather and
insects permitting!), or chill on the futon in the living room. When using my
laptop, I’m mostly in my office where I have a monitor hooked up to give me
more work space. As far as what it looks like: My office is the formal ‘dining
room’ that we don’t use, so it sits between the living room and kitchen.
There’s a sliding door to cut off the kitchen, and my hubby installed folding
doors to separate it from the living room where the kids hang out. I can close
myself off, put on headphones, and dive right in. I love the large window that
overlooks the back yard. When working a scene, I’ve often stared out at the
trees, lost in thought. It’s a draw back when it rains, though. Then I’m ready
to take a nap! I’ve got a huge calendar
on one wall, a cork board with bills on another, and two large lovely pictures
done by a friend who is an artist behind me. My four dogs are usually taking up
the space directly behind my chair. And my desk tends to be cluttered with
notes…except for the day I clean it. LOL
What gets
your creative juices flowing?
Sometimes it can be an image seen online of
an actor, story in the news, or just general conversation. Anything that starts
a ‘what if’ scenario brewing in my head will work. It’s amazing what type of
story, event, or experience can get the creative pot brewing!
What is
one of your most favorite childhood memories?
I played with my toys and
give them stories of their own. Once I got my parents tape recorder (remember
those?), gathered my favorite dolls and stuffed animals, and climbed into the
car. I set them all up, hit record, and gave each and every one of them a voice
as ‘we’ sang happy anniversary to my parents. I played it back for them that
night at dinner. They loved it. J
character is your favorite character to write?
So far, I would have to say
Yasmine Phillips of Jaded has been my
favorite. She’s sassy, has an attitude she’s not afraid to show, and will say
what’s on her mind, damn the consequences. She very confident in her body and
sexuality. She’s probably who I’d be if I had the nerve. LOL!
How do you
conceive plot ideas?
First of all, there is not a plot line that has never
been done before. Stories, whether they are written or acted out in movies and
television, somebody, somewhere has done it millions of times. What makes a
story stand out is how it’s addressed, what twist can be put in that takes the
reader in a direction they didn’t see coming. I take a scenario and create a
character who would find that set of circumstances a challenge. I use that
story as a way to discover how a person would react, what would challenge them
to the point that they would be forced to give up. What would motivate them to
see it through, and what reward could be waiting on the end. I write Women’s
Fiction and Interracial Romance, so I look for a topic people can relate too,
both male and female. For A Heart Not
Easily Broken, it was how a woman could handle rape and the challenges of
interracial relationships. For Jaded,
it’s a twist on the typical friends with benefits storyline, and what happens
after happily ever after? For the next book in the series, Lonely Heart, I deal with the topic of becoming a single parent and
opening up to love again.
What are
your target readers?
My target audience is mature readers, ages 18 and up whom
are looking for a story that takes them on an emotional ride and leaves them
feeling fulfilled, yet open their eyes and hearts to something new. My goal with The Butterfly Memoirs is to encourage, entertain, and educate my
readers on the reality of life, love, and relationships. I want my readers to
know they are not alone in their daily struggles, that despite the negative,
there is a chance to find happiness where you least expect it.
Do you
use real-life facts based on true stories?
A little. If not from my own
experiences then it’s inspired by someone I know or it is what can
realistically happen.
Did you
ever think you’d become an author?
No, not at all. But since becoming one,
I have found self-fulfillment I never knew was possible. Even if nobody liked
my stories, the fact that I was able to commit to a project and see it through
to completion was fulfilment enough. Believe me, it’s taken 4 years to get it
get it right, and I am still improving. Having people by my books, then connect
with me via social network sites to talk about it is icing on the cake!
What do
you consider to be your biggest accomplishment? As an author?
My personal
accomplishment would be realizing my storytelling abilities after surviving a
stroke in 2006. After overcoming several major medical hurdles, such as being
able to read and physically write anything period is major. As an author,
becoming successful and discovering a fan base of dedicated readers who have
connected on a personal and emotional level with my characters and writing
style is amazing. Writing these characters is like visiting family and I hope
my readers feel the same way.
If I
became a writer, what tips would you give me?
Write what you feel and stay
true to you. Take the time to feel out your story. Get to know your characters
and develop that writing style. No well written story is done in a few months.
It may take that long to write it down, but you still have to go through and
work out the kinks. Don’t be afraid of the word ‘edit’ or ‘editor’….they are
your friends and what can make a simple story turn into so much more. Your
story will evolve; go through many stages of evolution before you finally run
out of things to say. You’ll know when you reach that point, and when you do,
go over it again! Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for the opinion of those
you trust. If you can, ask another experienced author who may be willing to put
you on the ‘write’ path. You’ll be glad you did!
your favorite thing about yourself?
My creativity and imagination that
doesn’t seem to tire!
What is
the last book you read?
A soon to be published novel I beta read for a very
dear friend and fellow author. Can’t release the title of it at this time.
Before that, it was The Blind Date by
Delaney Diamond.
Why do
you like to write?
Because it allows me to express myself in a way that is
uncontrolled. It’s my world where I can leave the real one behind and get lost
in someone else’s problems and ignore my own for a bit. Often times as I guide
my characters through the pit falls of their lives, I find myself saying, ‘hey,
I should do that to!’
Do you
have a favorite genre that you like to read? Do you limit yourself to just one or many?
For the longest time, my
favorite genre was Science Fiction. I am a big Star Wars movie buff, so when I
stumbled into the Star Wars section of my library and discovered the boundless
amount of novels with new characters, worlds, and story lines….let’s just say
it was a happy moment. LOL. I’ve read about 80 SW books…yep, SW geek. I also
like Mystery’s, and of course Romance, and yep, even Erotic Romance. J
What is
the craziest thing you have ever done?
Oh, wow….I’d say go swimming in a
river in a park that was supposed to be off limits. Even took the kids on
several occasions. That was one great summer!
Check out her awesome books!
![]() |
Ebony is a smart, sexy, career-oriented black woman
who wants nothing more than a summer fling with a man who challenges her mind
and body. What she doesn’t expect is a blond haired, blue-eyed bass player—who
won’t take “no” for an answer—to accept the challenge.
When Ebony’s attempt at a brief fling turns into
more, despite negative reactions from friends and family, she finds juggling
love, family, and career are nothing compared to the ultimate betrayal she
endures. Now her dreams spiral into lies and secrets that threaten her future
and her best friend’s trust.
A devastating breakup leaves Yasmine
Phillips in shambles. Unable to trust another man with her heart, she focuses
on the one thing she can control—starting her own business.
When her computer crashes, taking
months of hard work with it, she must rely on computer genius Zachariah Givens
to save her. A complete opposite of men from her past, she doesn't expect the
passion that ensues. But just as she finds happiness, she learns the truth
about the other women in Zachariah's life.
About the Author:
M.J. Kane stumbled into writing. An avid reader,
this stay at home mom never lost the overactive imagination of an only child.
As an adult she made up stories, though never shared them, to keep herself
entertained. It wasn’t until surviving a traumatic medical incident in 2006
that she found a reason to let the characters inhabiting her imagination
free. Upon the suggestion of her
husband, she commandeered his laptop and allowed the characters to take life.
It was that, or look over her shoulder for men caring a purple strait jacket.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
No longer a television addict, if M.J. isn’t reading
a book by one of her favorite authors, she’s battling with her creative muse to
balance writing and being a wife and mother. She resides in the suburbs of
Atlanta, Georgia with her high school sweetheart, four wonderful children, and four
pit bulls.
MJ’s debut novel, A Heart Not Easily Broken, Book one of the Butterfly Memoirs,
became an instant Amazon Bestseller in Multicultural Romance and
African-American Literature and Fiction within hours of publication. It has
also spent time on the African-American Women’s Fiction and African-American
Romance Bestsellers lists.
In addition to writing, MJ is the director of a
writer’s group which meets at Barnes
& Nobel, is the Newsletter Editor for the Romance Novels in Color
website, and shares writing tips, introduces her followers to new authors, and shares her
personal experiences on her blog, This Writer’s
Other activities she enjoys include: creating custom floral arrangements,
assisting her children in their creative pursuits of music and art, and
supporting her husband’s music production business, 3D Sounds.
Learn more about the author by visiting these online
MJ can be found online connecting with readers and
other authors sharing her writing, talking about music, life, and family. She’s
always excited to meet new people. Connect with her via the websites
Our spotlight on Author John J. Higgins
John J. Higgins is an attorney and former statewide prosecutor who has had a multi-faceted career and life. He has worked on farms, performed firearm repairs, and refinished and sold antiques, all before he finished high school. In between pursuing his college studies, he supervised industrial finishing operations and assisted in developing a powder coating system. After college, he worked fulltime and attended law school at night. He also filmed rock stars and celebrities for public service announcements and produced and emceed a play that performed before audiences that totaled over 170,000. In his career as an attorney, he researched and wrote policy papers for governmental committees, drafted legislation, and revised statutes. In his role as a statewide prosecutor he was involved in some of the highest profile cases in his state, from prosecuting multiple and complex crime rings to homicides, including those committed by a serial killer. Among other things he does in his private life, he can scuba dive and pilot an airplane. An avid student of history and spiritual development, he lives in New Jersey in an old Victorian train station he converted into his residence.
He can be reached at, @JohnJHigginsEsq on twitter or at his website
Here is an Excerpt from his latest Book
She awoke a few hours later. She felt that she was no longer alone. She looked up to see three Angels standing over her and her bed. In the darkness she did not immediately recognize any of them. They had not used their internal illumination. She thought that was odd, as she had never seen the Angels move as though they wanted to remain unseen by anyone else.
Startled, Lillith exclaimed, “Who are you and what do you want of me?” She was still having trouble placing the identities of these three Angels.
Luciferael stepped forward and illuminated himself from within. “See, Lillith, it is I, Luciferael, I have come to bring you home with me. I still want to build you that mansion we talked about before.”
“Good evening, my lord,” she said, still trying to wake up and rubbing her eyes and face.
“You remember Beelzebael and Sammuael, don't you, Lillith? I have brought them to try to protect you from any harm. The loyal Angels had been sworn to destroy you by the Almighty. You and your kind are now considered to have been a failed experiment. Adam and Eve ruined paradise for all of your kind. Their selfishness and desire to become godlike was their undoing.”
“The Almighty?” asked Lillith, looking perplexed. “I thought you had conquered the Heavens, Luciferael?”
Check out the the other two books in the seriesBook 1- Book 2-Book 3
Awesome interview with Inara Scott
Did you always know that you wanted to be a writer?
My mom has evidence of me proclaiming this as soon as I
could hold a pencil. But I did get sidetracked into law school, mostly because
practicing law involves a lot of writing. And arguing. I’m probably equal parts
writer and arguer.
Were you always good at writing?
I don’t know if I’m good at it now, but I sure do love doing
Have your personal experiences affected your
writing or writing style?
I’m what I like to call an emotional sponge. I suck up the
emotions from everyone around me, which makes it really hard if my characters
are feeling sad or scared. I suppose that’s why my books always have happy
What was your favorite thing about Falling for
Mr. Wrong?
Oh, I have such a sweet spot for Ross! He’s everything I
adore in a man—a big, sexy oaf who gets things wrong but loves so deeply and
passionately, he knows how to make things right.
Which of the characters in Falling for Mr. Wrong
was your favorite to write?
I have a huge girl crush on Kelsey (the heroine). I used to
lead outdoor trips for a living, but never had the guts (or the physical
stamina!) to be a real mountaineer. Kelsey’s got all that—but at the same time,
she’s incredibly vulnerable and unsure how to connect with people and allow
herself to be loved.
What is one thing that you absolutely cannot
live without?
Is it too much of a stereotype to say coffee? Cause it’s
true. ;-)
Do you have a writing spot that only you can
work, like a writing cave? If so what does it look like?
Nope, I can write anywhere. What I can’t do is deal with a
lot of noise. So if I’m writing at a coffee shop, I have to bring
noise-cancelling headphones.
What gets your creative juices flowing?
Oh, real life is full of stories. I see them all the time!
What’s hard for me is narrowing down all my ideas to pick just one!
Do you use real-life facts based on true
I’ve been inspired by lots of true stories. Actually, the
first team of climbers from the United States to summit on Annapurna I (that’s
the mountain Kelsey is headed for, in Falling for Mr. Wrong) was a group of
women, led by an amazing woman named Arlene Blum. I read her book (Annapurna:
A Woman’s Place) about that expedition while I was on an expedition of my
own expedition in Mexico. So Falling for Mr. Wrong was inspired, in part, on
that story.
What do you consider to be your biggest
My kids—at least, I don’t think I’ve screwed them up too
much yet. And my books. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to look on a shelf
and your name on the spine of a book. It’s magical.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
I’m really not crazy at all. I’m pretty much a complete
chicken, in fact. The craziest thing I ever did was probably quitting my very
secure job as a lawyer to write fiction full time. That was downright insane.
If you could work with any other author who
would it be and why?
I think it would be incredibly hard to write with someone
else. You’d really have to trust their process, and you’d have to be compatible
in many ways. But if you’re wondering who my latest author-crush is, totally
Victoria Dahl. I love her books and her commitment to supporting other women.
She’s fabulous.
20 Questions with James Gordon
What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment was winning the Moth Storytelling Slam.
Who and/or what has inspired you?
There are a combination of individuals that have inspired me: 50 Cent, Kobe Bryant, Langston Hughes, and my Dad. I am also inspired by taking history by the throat and making it bend to my will
Did you always want to write?
I have always wrote. It may not have been Poetry, but i have.
How have your personal experiences affected your writing?
That is the only way I can write is by things I have experienced. Whether it has been me personally, things I have witnessed, or stories told to me, everything I write comes from there.
What genre of books do you like to read? do you limit yourself to only the genre that you write yourself? I enjoy reading fiction and self help books.
Actually, I don't really read books of Poetry, unless they are classics.
Were you always good at writing?
No, I needed more experience and experience for me to be the superlative writer I am now.
How do you get started with writing a story (as in, how do you start developing the story, how do you get inspired for it)
When I was incarcerated, i wrote poems for other inmates. That's when i realized that this was for me to do. Now, I want the world to see. I wrote what was on my mind and heart for the longest time.
What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?
Yeah, they need to move or stop writing. There is always something to write about,be inspired by.
How do you conceive your plot ideas?
The poems are actually pictures in my head that I see and then place on paper.
How long did it take you to publish your first book, after you started trying?
It actually took close to two years. I wrote the manuscript for The Confessional Heart of a Man in August of 2007 and published it in March of 2009.
Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?
I cannot write with a ton of embellishment, so I write fact.
Where is your favorite place to relax/write? My front couch in front of the TV and next to Scooter is where I like to write.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
My favorite childhood memory is beating up two bullies.
Who is/are your role model(s)?
Easy. My role models are my Parents and my Brother.
Do you have a writing spot that only you can go to work? If so, what does it look like?
I can write anywhere. The world gets blocked out when it is time to get to it.
What gets your creative juices flowing?
Beautiful women and life get my juices flowing. Listening to a great song that has me bobbing my head gets me going.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
I stole a million dollars from the IRS.
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
My relentless will to win is the thing I like most about myself.
When you were a kid, what was the biggest thing you got into trouble for?
Talking in class
If you could have any job in the whole wide world that you could imagine or make up, what job would that be?
I would love to be Batman, billionaire playboy and brooding superhero.
20 Questions with Author R.J. Terrell
1. If you could work
with any author who would it be?
You know, that
question would have been an easy one several years ago, but I've had the
opportunity to read and meet some amazing authors these past few years. Still,
my answer is the same as it would have been back then. R.A. Salvatore. The guy
is an amazing person as well as an amazing author, and has created one of the
most beloved characters in the fantasy genre.
2. Who is your favorite author?
Who is your
favorite author and is you writing style similar to theirs?
*chuckling* I think
my zeal in answering the first question bled into this one. My favorite author
is R.A. Salvatore, and my writing style has undoubtedly been affected by him.
3. What is your favorite part of a book?
Hmm. I would have
to say it is two things, actually. First, is when a character is about to
discover something that the reader already knows. Second, would have to be that
moment when the protagonist must dig down deep within themselves to overcome
the trial they are enduring.
4. When naming your characters, do you give any thought to the
actual meaning?
I do. There are
times when I will draw from a specific culture for a name, or I may make one
from scratch, in which case the name will still have a meaning, just of my
5. Who are your target readers?
I would say the
target readers of my Legend of Takashaniel fantasy books would be male and
female 12 years and up. For my Hunter's Moon vampire books I would go male
and female 18 and up, though these days you could probably range it at 16
and up. *grin*
6. What do you think people look for in a book?
I believe readers
are looking for different things depending on the genre, but there are certain
things that reach across genres. One thing that readers are looking
universally, is a strong and compelling story; that goes without saying. But to
be a little more detailed, a good plot. Without that, there is nothing to hold
the book together. Fantasy readers may be looking for the wonder one finds in
traveling alongside characters in an exciting and unfamiliar world with animals
and monsters, as well as races of people that are alien to our own world. They
may also look for a strong character driven book, in which the world itself is
amazing, but the characters take center stage.
Romance readers are
looking for strong relationships between characters, while thriller readers are
looking for a roller coaster ride in the seat right behind the protagonist, as
she is forced to survive in the situation in which she has been thrust.
7. Who and/or what has inspired you?
I think the
strength of the indomitable spirit and the undying desire to experience that
which is bigger than I am inspires me. Although I will be crossing into the
thriller genre soon, one reason fantasy is my favorite genre is because the
characters have abilities and live in a world I could only dream of. It is
larger than our world, and filled with a sense of wonder that I find
8. Did you always want to write?
Not at all. I
actually disliked writing quite a bit through school. It wasn't until I wrote a
hurried short story for earth day in the eleventh grade and won second place
that the spark lit. I still didn't seriously write my first story until roughly
seven years later.
9. How have your personal experiences affected your writing?
I find that the
general lack of diversity in television and the fantasy genre has greatly
affected my writing. Although the fantasy genre has come a long way, it has
(and to a degree still does) suffer from a glaring lack of diversity. This also
holds true for movies and television. The world is made up of many different
types of people, and for that matter, the US is made up of a diverse
population. If one were to judge from what they see on the screen, however, one
would think the population nearly homogeneous. My writing is exactly the
opposite of this.
10. How do you conceive your plot ideas?
That's kind of a
funny one to answer for any writer, I think. Honestly, ideas pop up from
everywhere, and if I were to try to write them all, I would need to live well
beyond a century or two to get it done. It can happen anywhere and at any time;
sleep, a certain track of music, something that happens in a movie or tv show.
Conversation by someone around you. Life is the best plot foundation upon which
to build.
11. Where is your favorite place to relax/write?
One would think a
nice quiet place by a running stream, or sitting against a tree. Not the case
for me. In the early morning, I need a coffee shop to write in. The steady
noise forces my mind to focus. Evening time, I can write in the office with the
door closed.
12. What is your favorite childhood memory?
I would say it was
when my brother would walk into my room and say "prepare for battle",
in which case I would go into my closet and pull out every Transformer I had.
(which was nearly all of them!) A great battle would ensue between the space of
his bedroom and the living room. He was always the Decepticons....
13. Who is/are your role model(s)?
My role models
would be my mother, for showing me what pure love and strength is. My dad, for
exhibiting strength and responsibility, and to hold strong and get the job done
no matter what. If I amount to half of what they were while they were here, I
will consider myself blessed.
14. Do you have a writing spot that only you can go to
work? If so, what does it look like?
I usually try to
find a little corner in the coffee shop, preferably around the corner from the
15. What gets your creative juices flowing?
Writing those first
sentences gets the ball rolling. The best way to defy the blank page is to put
something on it.
16. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
A friend and I
decided to go off the school grounds to have lunch. (only seniors were allowed,
but we snuck out) Lunch time ended while we were still waiting for our food,
and after nearly being caught by the police, (some of that time spent cowering
behind a bush as they looked right past me down the alley) we hopped the fence
and swore never to do it again. Yes, I had a pretty tame childhood.
17. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
*laughing* If I had
to chose something, I guess it would be my ability to keep things simple in my
18. What is the last book you have read or are currently
I just finished
reading The Companions: First book of The Sundering, by R.A. Salvatore
19. When you were a kid, what was the biggest thing you got
into trouble for?
Easy. Bad grades
due to laziness. That was nearly the only thing I ever got into trouble
for. I always did very well when I applied myself, but I tended to be
lazy. It used to drive my parents crazy.
20. If I became a writer- what tips would you give me?
First: Learn from
the pros. Taking a course in a university from anyone other than a person who
is actively making a living in the business is not the best option in my
opinion. Working knowledge is best, and there are many bestselling authors
paying their success forward in the form of affordable seminars and workshops.
Those combined with good books on writing are essential.
Second: Read a lot,
then read some more. I've met aspiring writers who've told me they don't read
much because they don't have time. It is extremely difficult to do something
you are not actively participating in.
Third, and very
important, get in the chair and write. Defy that blank page by putting something
on it. Even if what you write is pure garbage, things will flow and come
together. This is not unlike any other practice. It is a muscle that you must
warm up first, and put to use. The more you work it, the stronger it gets, and
vice versa.
Check him out here!
Today in our Author Spotlight Nerd Alert Book Love welcomes Patti Chiappa author of Beautiful Scars (Sassy Angel)!
NABL: If you could work with any
author who would it be?
PC: That would be Debbie Macomber.
I love
her books. They are so heart felt and Inspiring!
NABL: Who is your favorite author
and is your writing style similar to theirs?
PC: Debbie Macomber. I think
my writing style
is very similar to hers. We both write from our
NABL: What's your favorite part of a
PC: The climax. You know
the part of
the book that
makes your breath
be caught in
your lungs. I love that part.
NABL: When naming your characters,
do you give any thought to the actual meaning?
PC: Yes I
do . I
actually have a
baby name book
that I use.
I look up the meaning
of the names .
NABL: Who are your target readers?
PC: Every Soul that
needs to know
that someone loves
and cares about
NABL: How do you conceive your plot
PC: Wow, that's
a real tough
question because I
am inspired by
life, people and
God. The last
book I published
was about my
own life. The
next one I
am publishing was
inspired by the
events of 9/11.
NABL: Why do you like to write?
PC: I believe
God gave me
a gift to
write and if I don't
use that gift
I am not
honoring him.
NABL: Which character are you most
PC: I am
soft hearted, soft
spoken and spiritual
so I guess
anyone that is
like that.
NABL: Which character is your
PC: My favorite
character is Sara,
from my book
Sara's journey. I
am a lot like
her in many
NABL: How do you get started with
writing a story (as in, how do you start developing the story, how do you get
inspired for it)?
PC: Well before
I start any
story, I pray.
I ask God to let
me be a
massager for him. Then I
usually have a
god send inspiring
moment that makes
me write my
NABL: What is one thing you cannot
live without?
PC: My Family
and My bible.
NABL: Where is your favorite place
to relax/write?
PC: When I
was living in Fla I
loved to write at
the beach. Now
that I am living
in N.Y. I like to
go to the
Lady of the
Island Shrine in East port
N.Y. to write. It
is a breath-taking
place. With acres and
acres of land
, woods, and
flower gardens.
NABL: What is your favorite
childhood memory?
PC: My favorite
childhood memory by far would
be piling into
my grandparent's car
with my mom,
dad, grandparents, and baby
brother Brian. My
grandfather would just
drive around this
awesome scenic roads along
beaches, farms etc.
Every Sunday we
did that. Growing
up we didn't
have a lot of
money but there
was so much
love in my family.
NABL: Who is/are your role model(s)?
PC: My Parents
by far. They
taught me that
family, friends, faith
brings you riches
not money.
NABL: Do you have a writing spot
that only you can go to work?
PC: There is
a bench at
the Shrine I
go to, It
sits under this
beautiful 100 foot
tall oak tree.
It overlooks the
Long Island sound.
In the fall
you can see
colors for miles
and miles.
NABL: What gets your creative juices
PC: Everything. I
write every day. For
me writing is
like breathing.
NABL: What is the craziest thing you
have ever done?
PC: Lol. The
craziest thing I ever did
was sneak on
to the back
of a Bon
Jovi tour bus
when no one
was around. I ended
up falling asleep.
No one knew
I was on
the bus, and
12 hours later
I woke up
in a different
state. I was 15 years old. Jon
Bon Jovi actually gave me bus fare to
get home. I’ll never forget it!
NABL: What is your favorite thing
about yourself?
My soulful eyes.
NABL: What is the last book you have
read or are currently reading?
PC: Debbie Macomber-This Mather of
NABL: If you could have any job in
the whole wide world that you could imagine or make up, what job would that be?
PC: Rock star..
COMING SOON! Author Spotlight on Patti Chiappa on November 9th and 10th!